Monday, 16 July 2012

Sport Car Picture


Sport Car Picture Biography

Literary usage of Sport car

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Never-ceasing Search by Francis Otto Schmitt (1990)
"My father allowed me to use his beautiful new ' 'Dagmar'' sport car that he had recently bought. The car had lines similar to that of a Packard but was ..."

2. The Never-ceasing Search by Francis Otto Schmitt (1990)
"... on that evening the weather was excellent as was the performance. My father allowed me to use his beautiful new "Dagmar" sport car that ..."

3. Story of the Automobile: Its History and Development from 1760 to 1917, with by Herbert Lee Barber (1917)
"The man who conceives the idea of a sport car supplies a want that others have neglected. There may be many automobile tractors on the market, but the human ..."

4. Story of the Automobile: Its History and Development from 1760 to 1917, with by Herbert Lee Barber (1917)
"The man who conceives the idea of a sport car supplies a want that others have neglected. There may be many automobile tractors on the market, but the human ..."

5. Story of the Automobile: Its History and Development from 1760 to 1917, with by Herbert Lee Barber (1917)
"The man who conceives the idea of a sport car supplies a want that others have neglected. There may be many automobile tractors on the market, but the human ..."

6. Sporting Magazine edited by [Anonymus AC02751662] (1803)
"... that the multitude of people would be too great to hope for any trial or sport. Car- shalton was named and approved by Colonel Thornton. ..."

7. Official Handbook of Automobiles by Automobile Board of Trade, Automobile Manufacturers Association (1918)
"... VELIE sport car—39 ID addition to above speedometer. Pump over and splash Cellular Water pump Storage battery Two unit Gear to fly wheel Electric Six ..."
Sport Car Picture
Sport Car Picture
Sport Car Picture
Sport Car Picture
Sport Car Picture
Sport Car Picture
Sport Car Picture
Sport Car Picture
Sport Car Picture
Sport Car - Speed Painting by Daniel Diaz
ZRBMC Sport Car Convoy.wmv

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